Any company, be it a small start-up or a huge multinational company, will need good e-learning solutions as classroom learning for everyone would not be feasible when seen in the large scale. Most of the top companies in India as well as the world hire some of the best e-learning solutions companies to provide the best e-learning solutions. There must be some advantages or all these companies hiring the e-learning solutions providers would not make any sense. Let us try to explore these advantages that exist –
Diversity of Learning
E-learning solutions providers are not limited to a certain set of topics or technologies. Whether you want to learn animation from a 3D animation company or you want to learn about banking sector technologies, you can get access to the right content easily.
When you hire companies that do in class trainings, you will see that they are limited to certain areas of technology, one company would not be able to provide you with an all-round training on different areas like an e-learning solutions provider can give.
When an e-learning solutions provider can give you trainings on different topics and areas, then it reduces your work in finding different contractors for different trainings.
Ease of Access
When you have an e-learning solutions provider hired, your employees can easily access trainings as and when they are free and they can also access it from anywhere. This means that they do not need to be sitting in a classroom to get access to a particular training, all they need is some free time and access to the internet from where they can stream the trainings at any time they desire.
This ease of access is not possible when you have hired in-class trainings. The other added advantage of having e-learning which can include topics like e-learning automobile engineering, is that you can track which employees have finished what trainings. This is especially important in the automobile companies where each employee needs to be proficient in different areas of operation of the company.
E-learning solutions are a big hit mainly because they are a lot cheaper than in-class trainings. It is estimated that only around 50% of the amount that would be spent on in-class trainings need to be spent on e-learning. This means that companies can save up to half of what they used to spend by using the e-learning solutions.
In today’s world, we see a lot of cuts in manpower of companies due to the fact that companies are looking to save on expenditure. Looking at this trend, it does not seem like a bad idea to save some money by using e-learning solutions, especially when the savings can be as high as 50%.
Therefore, you have just learnt some of the best advantages of hiring a good e-learning solutions provider for your business. Now, it is up to you to go ahead and start the process of involving e-learning in your company to save more and learn more.